Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's going on in the Hood?

ALLOT   depends on what you're into though. I'm from the Tioga section of Philadelphia, they call it simply "ERIE AV"   The young boyz selling what many want to buy, the one's who are lost ain't lookin and the one's who are found seem lost. But more so that community actually looks out for each other. Not like it used to be, but yet still. I love the Tioga community. I was raised there, brought up there, was educated there and mis-educated there.  I've made videos, short films, and commercials on that soil. So much its not much else to shoot around there for me, but I'm considered its own and God bless it. We're not perfect in Tioga, but we're all we got.  If you live in a supportive community, even if you leave, make sure you visit often.